Sunday, August 7, 2011

HOW NOT to pack Glass for shipping

They say a picture is worth 1000  words so you've got about 4000 words worth here.  These are items we purchased, on eBay, for our personal collection.  Everything was described as something has been lost in the translation...

Ok, #1 RULE of shipping glass, even NEW glass is?? DON"T USE NEWSPAPER.

#2 Rule is DO USE BUBBLE WRAP AND PACKING PEANUTS and use them together.  I feel safer with small bubble bubblewrap...a double layer folded with the bubbles in so it makes a nice sturdy layer.  Wrap the item with that, at least 2 layers of double.  IF it's a big item... make a BIG double piece

3. Take your packing peanuts and put them in a plastic bag.. This is a way to recycle all those plastic grocery bags. Fill them 1/2 to 3/4 full with peanuts, tie them or tape the shut. Use them like a "pillow" for your item.  One under and one over your item.

4. Put the under pillow in the box.. put cardboard over it.. Put another one on top of your cardboard.  Now put the item on the pillow, preferably in it's designed position. So the way it was supposed to be used... if it's a vase stand it on the base.  If it's a glass, same thing. Don't lay things down sideways. Don't put them in on an angle.

5, Surround the item with pieces of cardboard... then fill the rest of the space both inside and outside the cardboard fram with packing peanuts... next

6. put another piece of cardboard over the item... and fill the rest of the box with packing peanuts.

OVERFILL the box. Those peanuts settle.  Hold the box closed and shake so they settle sooner.

Now put more in..
Tape everything in..

MAKE sure you double tape all the closures and then tape across them in the oppsoite direction. Ya want your stuff falling out??? My shipping department goes to excess and tapes ALL 4 corners and all 4 top and bottom edges. NOTHING is getting out of my boxes without a razor knife in it's hand.

Ok, before you label it, shake it. Hear rattling?? NOT GOOD, open it up and put a stop to that with either more cardboard or more peanuts or more of both.

Do the tape thing again and apply postage and OFF it goes the PO or UPS or where ever..

1 comment:

  1. What I see that is my worse nightmare. I get almost all of my glass from ebay and I hold my breath that I don't see that everytime I open the box!

    You can see my collection at!
